Letter to the editor: Wolf reintroduction passed by narrow margin

Letter to the editor: Wolf reintroduction passed by narrow margin

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I read an article titled “Middle Park Stockgrowers request that Parks and Wildlife not rerelease Copper Creek Pack in Colorado” in the Sky-Hi News that published Oct. 10, 2024. The piece is good until reading the last paragraph.

The last paragraph is a statement from Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The statement reads “CPW (Colorado Parks and Wildlife) remains committed to upholding the will of Colorado voters and implementing the unanimously approved Gray Wolf Restoration and Management plan and will continue to work with all stakeholders on the plan’s implementation.”

It must be remembered that Proposition 114, Reintroduction and Management of Gray Wolves, passed by a very small margin. There were 50.91% yes votes to 49.09% no votes. For Parks and Wildlife to release a statement saying they are implementing a unanimously approved plan is a complete and total lie. That statement is nothing more than state sponsored propaganda, trying to tell people how they should think about this issue.

Proposition 114 is now and has always been a 50/50, us against them issue. It is also a shining example of ballot box biology coupled with the voting power of the population center of the Front Range to make changes to the backyard I have played in all of my life. There really should be a correction to that statement or a separate article about Proposition 114 to include a reminder of the vote tally. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

James Stiefel 
Parshall resident

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