Monkey Barrel Named Legacy Business: A Win for Sunnyside's Local Culture

Monkey Barrel Named Legacy Business: A Win for Sunnyside's Local Culture


Celebrating the Legacy of Monkey Barrel: A Neighborhood Gem in Sunnyside

Residents of Sunnyside and the surrounding neighborhoods have a reason to celebrate! The beloved Monkey Barrel bar has been designated as a Legacy Business by the Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO). This recognition honors small businesses that have significantly contributed to the community's character and history.

What is a Legacy Business?

A Legacy Business designation is awarded to establishments that have been operational for at least ten years and have a strong connection to their community. This program aims to support and preserve these local treasures, providing resources to help them thrive and prevent displacement.

Why Monkey Barrel?

Known for its vibrant atmosphere, unique events, and dedication to community engagement, Monkey Barrel has been a staple in the Sunnyside neighborhood. From hosting local bands and themed parties to supporting local charities, the bar has played an integral role in bringing people together and fostering a sense of community.

What Does This Mean for the Community?

As a Legacy Business, Monkey Barrel will receive various forms of support from the city to ensure its continued success. This includes assistance with marketing, legal services, and financial planning. The goal is to help these businesses navigate challenges and remain vital parts of their neighborhoods.

A Win for Local Culture

The designation not only highlights the importance of Monkey Barrel but also underscores the value of preserving local culture and history. By supporting businesses like Monkey Barrel, residents can help maintain the unique character and vibrant social fabric of Sunnyside.

Get Involved

You can support Monkey Barrel by attending their events, enjoying their offerings, and spreading the word about their new Legacy Business status. Let’s celebrate this achievement and continue to support the businesses that make Sunnyside a great place to live!

For more information, check out the full article on Westword here.

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