RTD Light Rail construction will disrupt service for rest of summer

RTD Light Rail construction will disrupt service for rest of summer

Categories: Local News, CBS 4
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If you use the D, H or L Light Rail lines to commute, get ready for a big change because one of the most congested areas in Denver is about to get a lot worse. 

RTD is replacing the rails for the Light Rail commuter train in the heart of downtown Denver this summer. They're the original tracks that were installed nearly 30 years ago.


"It's important to note that our original Light Rail line opened on October 7 of 1994," said RTD's Chief Executive Officer Debra Johnson.

Johnson says wear and tear from vehicles, weather, and deicer has really taken a toll on the lines.

"Constantly, day in and day out, we are compromising the integrity of the infrastructure," said Johnson.

RTD CEO Debra Johnson CBS

So, RTD decided to work on the lines at 15th and California Streets, 15th and Stout Streets, 17th and California Streets, 17th and Stout Streets and Broadway and Welton Street. 

Those stations are closed and the D and H lines have been rerouted to Union Station. The L line that connects Downing Station to downtown has been suspended. RTD says they think this is the right time to make these changes.

"What we're trying to do is minimize the impacts to our customers and the traveling public," said Johnson.

She says during the summer there is less ridership because school is out, and people are on vacation. They also say the weather will be good for getting the work done.


"This is the opportune time in which we can do work here," said Johnson.

The work is scheduled to be completed in September. In the meantime, D and H line riders can ride a free shuttle from Union Station to Civic Center Station which stops along 17th and 18th Streets. Johnson says she knows this will be unpopular among riders, but it must be done.


"We know this frustrates everyone," said Johnson. "We understand that this is going to cause impact, but this is what happens when you have a rail network that now is in a place where we have to do some caring and feeding."

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