Trump vs Biden Presidential Election Round 2: America lost for choices

Trump vs Biden Presidential Election Round 2: America lost for choices


@EndWokeness on X - 'Woke influencer lists all of the "terrifying" things that Trump will do if he wins and accidentally made him the most epic campaign ad ever'


Video recorded by "woke" influencer below

Influencer outlines Trump's plan 47, if elected President over Biden in 2024 Presidential Election 

  • (0:00) And here are the first 15 promises he has made if he is re-elected. (0:04) You may have heard of Project 2025, but this is from Agenda 47, and you can read all of these on his website. (0:10) First, he promises that he will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in history.
  • (0:16) He will also ask for the death sentence for anyone convicted of human trafficking. (0:20) He will close the Department of Education and return all education standards to the states to decide. (0:25) He will put prayer back into school, and he will criminalize any race-based advantage programs.
  • (0:31) He will end the Affordable Care Act. (0:33) He will ban gender-affirming care for adults and children, and he will ban any federal dollars from going towards gender-affirming care, (0:40) which means anyone with government-provided health care will no longer be able to access gender-affirming care, (0:45) except for Viagra and Cialis. Those will still be available.
  • (0:48) He will propose a constitutional amendment that gives a term limit to Congress. (0:52) He will deploy the Department of Justice to investigate the Biden crime family and any of his adversaries or political rivals. (1:00) He will immediately pardon all of the January Sixers, (1:02) and he will create a task force to investigate anyone who arrested, charged, or imprisoned a January Sixer.
  • (1:08) He will increase the penalties for underage criminal offenders, (1:12) strengthen immunity for police officers, and deploy the National Guard to patrol woke cities. (1:17) On day one, he will reassess our participation in NATO and says that every European country needs to pay the United States for protection. (1:25) He will also restore the wonderful travel ban for Muslims coming to America.
  • (1:29) He will build Freedom Cities. This is 10 new cities built on federal land. (1:34) He will award them to areas with the best development proposals, (1:37) and he will prioritize moving young families to these Freedom Cities.
  • (1:41) He will kill all e-vehicles and e-vehicle legislation, (1:44) seeking to replace that with the development of a flying car. (1:48) He believes that we could create a car that vertically takes off. (1:51) He will remove all of the limits on American natural gas exports and drill baby drill for oil domestically.
  • (1:58) He will impose a tariff of up to 60% on Chinese imports. (2:02) He will extend the 2017 tax cuts and drop the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%. (2:08) He will push Congress to pass legislation that would give every American the right to concealed carry anywhere at any time.
  • (2:15) And he will revoke any gun restrictions or legislation that seeks to inhibit people's ability to own guns that's been passed in the last several years. (2:23) He will demand that Europe pay back all the money we gave Ukraine, (2:26) and then he will use all of that money to recruit for the American military. (2:31) And he will take billions and billions of dollars from private university endowments by taxing, fining, and suing the universities.
  • (2:38) He specifically names Harvard in this one. (2:41) And then he will use that money to create the American Academy. (2:45) It is a free online college that will be free of wokeness, (2:48) that he will force employers to recognize as a bachelor's degree equivalent.
  • (2:53) So that's Agenda 47.

Video Transcript Below: Imagine voting based on a one page document that outlined what the president elect's plan would be and they are graded and if they fail they can't be relected. #Trump vs #Biden - Round 2 - do American's even have a choice?

End Wokeness - Woke influencer…

— (@DenverVisitor) March 10, 2024

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