What we’re watching the day after the primary election

Categories: Local News, Denverite
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We’re still keeping an eye on the Democratic primaries for Colorado House Districts 4 and 6, where no concessions have been made yet.

Incumbent state Reps. Tim Hernández (HD-4) and Elisabeth Epps (HD-6) are trailing behind their challengers: Cecelia Espenoza and Sean Camacho, respectively. (John Walsh secured the Democratic nomination for Denver district attorney.)

Hernández is behind by about 8 percentage points and 718 votes. Epps faces a more severe gap: behind by about 26 percentage points and 3,305 votes.

The next ballot drop will be at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.

What do the ballot returns look like the day after an election?

On Election Day, Denver Elections releases election returns four times in hour-and-a-half intervals: 7 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 10 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

The day after, they release more ballot counts in the afternoon.

This coming update will see more votes that were cast on Election Day, as opposed to the initial wave of primarily mail-in ballots.

That could be good news for the embattled progressive incumbents. People who vote on Election Day are typically younger and more liberal.

Denver ballots that were submitted in other counties (and vice versa) are also delivered to the right jurisdiction the day after an election.

Good news, at least for voter turnout

Earlier this week we wrote about some pretty dismal turnout numbers.

As of Monday morning, more than 87 percent of Denver voters still had not cast their ballots.

But as Election Day came to a close, that number was looking a bit brighter. Just under 22 percent of voters had cast ballots.

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