Breaking Out of the Pickleball Rut: How to Reset Your Game and Reclaim Your Confidence

Breaking Out of the Pickleball Rut: How to Reset Your Game and Reclaim Your Confidence

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Breaking Out of the Pickleball Rut: How to Reset Your Game and Reclaim Your Confidence

There’s a word for those times when nothing seems to be working. Your drives are hitting the net, your drops are too high, and you’re always a step behind.

That’s called being in a rut.

It happens to all of us. You feel stuck at the same level and can’t figure out how to break free.

Let me tell you firsthand—being in that place sucks. If you’re there right now, I feel for you. But here’s the good news: there’s a way out.

And it’s simpler than you think.

Start at the Beginning

When you first started playing pickleball, the game was simple. Serve cross-court, let the ball bounce before the third shot, and stay out of the kitchen.

We all began with these basics, but somewhere along the way, we overcomplicated the game—adding too much too soon or aiming for a level we weren’t ready for.

This summer, I found myself in a huge rut. It felt like every time I stepped onto the court, I was going backward. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, and it was frustrating, to say the least.

I knew my potential, but I just couldn’t reach it.

So, I did what I’m telling you to do right now. I went back to the beginning.

Breaking the Rut

My starting point may be different from yours, but we all have one. For me, it was about drilling and focusing on one area of my game at a time.

I zeroed in on my drives, which were my biggest issue. I wanted to nail down that one aspect of my game and rebuild my confidence.

And guess what? It worked. But it didn’t happen overnight.

For the first week or so, during my drill sessions, I hit slow drives—really slow. I focused on fundamentals and worked through the motions, aiming for fluidity and muscle memory to take over during games.

You can’t break out of a rut by just blasting drives back and forth with your partner. You need to get rid of bad habits, not reinforce them.

I’ll never forget the moment it clicked. I was drilling with my partner, and suddenly, I realized I wasn’t even thinking about my shot anymore.

It felt natural again.

It’s All in Your Head

Often, when you’re in a rut, it’s mental, and that shows up on the court. You’re in bad positions, hitting bad shots, and losing games because of it. You start compensating for a bad game, a bad shot, or even a bad day, and it all compounds.

Now you’re stuck, and everything feels off.

That’s a rut.

When you drill with one simple goal in mind, everything else falls into place. It takes the stress off. “Today, I’m working on drops.” Now, you’re only thinking about your drops—how to improve them, how to get the ball to bounce. Everything else is just part of the game. You’re no longer in your head because you have a clear purpose.

You’re playing with intent.

The Way Out

If you’re stuck in a pickleball rut, take a step back and evaluate your game. Identify one key area that needs work, and focus on it. If you’re unsure what needs improvement, ask a friend or a playing partner to point it out—just don’t get mad if they hurt your feelings.

The point is to stop overthinking every part of the game. Pick one thing, and work on it.

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Breaking Out of the Pickleball Rut: How to Reset Your Game and Reclaim Your Confidence

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