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PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

Categories: Pickleball
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PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

Anna Bright is the guest on an all-new episode of PicklePod this week (click here to subscribe).

Anna shares a hot take on the Anna Leigh Waters vs. Andre Agassi hypothetical match, weighs in on the bodybag hunting trend, and reveals her favorite pro player to watch.

Also, they play a game called "Guess the DUPR."

The serve rules changed again

Last weekend in Kansas City, the PPA Tour told players after the tournament had begun that they no longer planned on enforcing the rule that players couldn't toss the ball up before serving.

This was news to a lot of players.

And it has led to some weird things being seen on PPA Tour courts ...

Grayson Goldin Gets Video of the PPA Experimenting With the Service Rule
Are more serve rule changes coming to the PPA Tour? Grayson Goldin leaked a video of players ‘experimenting’ with some new serve rules.
PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

Anna Bright is a multi-sport athlete

AB is not shy about making fun of herself every chance she gets, especially when it's participating in another sport.

Earlier this month, she threw out the first pitch at a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game.

It landed her on Memes of Pickleball (for like the 1,000th time):

Anna discusses this moment and some other attempts at showing off her multi-sport prowess.

The St. Louis Shock Rock Busch Stadium as Anna Bright Tosses First Pitch
The St. Louis Shock were part of the pregame festivities at Busch Stadium ahead of a recent Cardinals game, with Anna Bright throwing out the first pitch.
PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

The girlies break the internet

By now, if you haven't seen the famous photo shoot between "the girlies" Anna Bright and Rachel Rohrabacher, then you're not a true pro pickleball fan.

Anna discusses the shoot and some of the other renditions that have popped up in the pickleball world after them.

ALW vs Sherbear or Agassi

Recently, we've been discussing the prospects of a "Battle of the Sexes" match between Anna Leigh Waters vs Ryan Sherry (or Andre Agassi).

AB shares her take and believes Sherbear's best could take ALW's best.

But, in her opinion, Anna Leigh could take today's Andre Agassi.

PicklePod: Tanking, Agassi vs ALW, and Owning Your Hooks w/Travis Rettenmaier
In this week’s PicklePod episode, pro Zane Navratil and CEO of The Dink, Thomas Shields, discuss tanking, the battle of the sexes, and more with pro Travis Rettenmaier.
PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

Less incentive to win

Another hot topic in the world 0f pickleball lately is the effort level of certain pros. At times, it seems like they have phoned it in and aren't trying as hard as you'd expect a pro to try.

“Unfiltered With the Rattlesnake” Takes on the Collin Johns and Major League Pickleball Saga
Travis Rettenmaier addressed the topic of the week in professional pickleball - Collin Johns having his thoughts on Major League Pickleball leaked on social media. As always, it didn’t disappoint.
PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

Some have blamed this on the PPA Tour's system of paying players regardless of their results instead of making players earn money through their actual performance.

Anna doesn't think it's that black and white. Get her take on why a team like the Johns brothers might not be as enthusiastic to play right now as they have been in the past.

Everyone inflates their rating

Pickleball players are notoriously bad at rating themselves. Thomas reads some online messages of people complaining that average-to-bad pickleball players are too quick to call themselves 4.0s (or higher).

According to Zane – who has taught hundreds of clinics nationwide – if you want to find someone's actual rating, you should deduct .5 from whatever they say they are.

Five Reasons You’re Not as Good at Pickleball as You Think You Are
There are a lot of pickleball players who believe they are better at the sport than they actually are. We’ve got five reasons you’re not as good as you think and what you can do about it.
PicklePod: Should Blatant Headshots Come With a Punishment? w/ Anna Bright

We play "What is my DUPR?"

The Dink asked amateur pickleball players to send in videos for Anna and Zane to try and guess their DUPR skill level.

Hilarity ensues. Check out the full episode here. It's a good one.

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