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Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?

Categories: Pickleball
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Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?

While it's fun to think that each of us is unique with our own style of play, most pickleballers can be placed into a specific category – or archetype. With each comes particular strengths and weaknesses that shine through.

Here's a list of some common types of players you're likely to run into on the pickleball court. Which one best describes you?

The Banger

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
The Banger destroys 3.5 level players.

What you lack in mystery and creativity, you make up for by hitting rockets at your opponents. You love putting players on the defensive and forcing them to hit blocks and weak returns.

Once you smell blood in the water, it's open banger season.

Bangers Aren’t Going Anywhere in Pickleball, So Here’s How to Beat Them
A banger is someone who hits the ball hard on every single shot. At some point, you’re going to have to learn how to deal with them. You might as well start now.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • Forehands and drives
  • Knowing which opponent to target (usually the one who looks most scared)


  • Backhands
  • The soft game
  • Game strategy (everything will be a drive)

Your favorite shot(s)

  • The drive (obviously)

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • Anything other than a drive

How you win most games

You tend to overwhelm your opponents and rack up free points if they can't judge out balls well. Players rated 3.5 and below don't stand a chance.

How you lose most games

If your opponent can handle (and even counter) your drives or they know how to neutralize it by targeting your backhand.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • Mr/Ms Dependable
  • Bangers
  • The Aggressor

Pros you should watch

  • Christian Alshon
  • Quang Duong
  • Thomas Wilson
  • Callie Smith

Mr/Ms Dependable

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
Mr/Ms Dependable can always be counted on to start a dink rally.

Some might call your game boring, but you'd call it consistent. And somehow, you're always on the winning team and making podiums at tournaments. You rarely let your opponents get big leads on you, and most games are won or lost 11-9.

How Playing the Percentages in Pickleball Can Help You Win More Matches
Everyone loves to hit the game-winning hero shot. But it’s often the “boring” shots that make the difference. Learn to take the “one more ball” mentality to the court.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • You're always the best dinker on the court
  • Bangers are no sweat
  • Always solid, always in control


  • Need a strong partner because you can't take over a game if needed
  • You need your opponents to make mistakes (which they almost always do)

Your favorite shot(s)

  • Blocks, resets, and getting the ball "on the ground"

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • Low-percentage shots and attacks off the bounce

How you win most games

You are a pickleball grinder, so you win your games by letting your opponents make more mistakes than you.

How you lose most games

You don't lose often, but when you do, it's likely because your opponent is more skilled than you or your partner is just too wild.

Can’t Seem to Find the Right Partner For You? We’ve Got Your Guide to Choosing Wisely
Finding the right partner in life or pickleball takes patience and a bit of luck. However, knowing precisely what you’re looking for will make it a lot easier. Here’s your guide to finding the perfect pickleball partner.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?

Your ideal partner(s)

  • Mr/Ms Dependable
  • The Hero
  • The Creator
  • The Aggressor

Pros you should watch

  • Catherine Parenteau
  • Dylan Frazier
  • Marietta (Etta) Wright
  • Matt Wright

The Creator

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
The Creator loves new creative shots.

Pickleball should be fun, and you spend most of your time coming up with new shots instead of drilling. In a game, you're always looking for a chance to flash your brilliance, and sometimes it actually works.

When those moments happen, it makes the other 19 times it didn't work worth it.

Two of Pickleball’s Top Content Creators Are Now a Formidable On-Court Partnership
Tanner Tomassi and Kyle Koszuta took different paths to get to this point in their pickleball careers. Two of the sport’s top content creators are now a formidable duo at the professional level.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • Finding ways to keep the game fun
  • The Erne, the ATP, the Kyle, and maybe an occasional Nasty Nelson


  • Consistent dinks, drives, and drops
  • Your partner or opponents can bore you into doing even sillier things

Your favorite shot(s)

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • Anything conventional and safe

How you win most games

You probably don't win too often, but that doesn't keep you from having a good time and trying new things.

How you lose most games

You're fun style can lead to crazy runs – sometimes, by your opponents.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • The Hero
  • The Magician
  • The Joker
  • The Rebel

Pros you should watch

  • Jack Munro
  • Andre Mick
  • Connor Garnett
  • Jill Braverman

The Hero

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
Everyone wants to play with The Hero.

You're one of the top players in your area, and everyone loves to play with you. You have all the shots in your bag and can change your play style as needed. You also don't mind playing "down a level" because you'll always find a way to challenge yourself and have fun.

Keys To Go From a 4.0 to a 4.5 With Your Pickleball Game
If you are looking for more specific things to work on to take your pickleball game to the next level, here are three keys to help you progress from a 4.0 to a 4.5 player.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • Everything


  • None (Unless being too good is a weakness)

Your favorite shot(s)

  • It depends on the situation

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • Everything has its time and place (except third-shot lobs - they're just silly)

How you win most games

In rec games, you don't care about winning or losing. During tournaments, you win by being the best player on the court.

How you lose most games

In rec games, you focus more on improving a specific shot than winning, which can lead to a lot of losses. In tournaments, you lose because a ringer showed up from out of town.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • You can play with anyone

Pros you should watch

  • Ben Johns
  • Anna Leigh Waters
  • Andrei Daescu
  • Anna Bright

The Rebel

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
Rebels can frustrate you with how good they are and how little they seem to care.

You might secretly believe pickleball is less of a sport and more of a backyard game. As such, it shouldn't be taken too seriously. You don't really care about technique or learning how to do things "the right way." You just like being competitive and sweating a lot.

How to Deal With THAT GUY in Open Play
Everyone knows THAT GUY in pickleball. The person we hate playing with. We describe who THAT GUY is and how to best deal with them.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • Rebels are often sneaky athletic (they just don't show it very often)
  • Your nonchalance lets you play loose and carefree, leading to inconsistent but mostly good play


  • Your carefree attitude can backfire, especially with specific partners
  • Because you don't care to learn technique or strategy, your game is very inconsistent

Your favorite shot(s)

  • The middle roll shot
  • Accidental lobs that somehow stay within the baseline
  • Net cord winners

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • The one your partner wants you to hit

How you win most games

Wins and losses? Pssh. "Who's buying the beer?"

How you lose most games

See above.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • The Hero
  • The Magician
  • The Joker
  • The Creator
  • The Banger

Pros you should watch

  • Jack Sock
  • Lea Jansen
  • JW Johnson
  • Tina Pisnik

The Joker

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
The Joker is a wildcard – you never know what type of player you're getting.

It's not that you don't know how to play consistently or make good decisions; it's just that doing that every time is so boring. You're not trying to go pro, so you might as well have as much fun as possible.

Also, making frustrating other players counts as a win in your book.

Want to Play Better Pickleball? Hit Them Angles
Ever wonder when you’d put those geometry classes to good use? We highlight the importance of angles in pickleball and how to use them to your advantage.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • Your opponents underestimate your ability
  • You can be fun to play with (and hell to play against)


  • You're typically inconsistent with your skill level – you can be a 4.0 one game and a 3.2 the next
  • Some will avoid playing with you

Your favorite shot(s)

  • Anything fun and different
  • Whatever makes you laugh

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • You're usually okay with anything

How you win most games

You don't, but that's okay. When you do, it's because you're on fire or your opponents just want to get off the court against you.

How you lose most games

How you play means you'll lose a lot – and you couldn't care less.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • The Rebel
  • Other Jokers
  • The Creator

Pros you should watch

  • Matt Wright
  • Riley Newman
  • Hayden Patriquin
  • Sam Querrey


Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
Coach's know the game - maybe too well.

You watch all the YouTube videos, have taken lessons, and know precisely what you (and your partner) should be doing on every play. If that partner would just listen to your advice, you'd never lose a match.

For the record, you're not an actual pickleball coach, but you're quite sure you could be.

Why Coaching Up Your Teammate During Pickleball Rec Play is Not Helpful
Pickleball rec play is meant to be fun, social and relaxing. That can quickly change when some players decide to coach you up.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • You know the game inside and out and watch game breakdowns by pros
  • Most of the time, your technique is flawless – or pretty darn close
  • You can identify your opponent's weakness and build a game plan to beat them


  • Your knowledge of the game is at a 5.0+ level, but your actual skills are closer to 4.0
  • You can't help but correct your partner's poor play, and not everyone is open to that type of feedback on the court

Your favorite shot(s)

  • The "third shot drive, fifth shot drop" combo
  • Setting your partner up for a shake-n-bake

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • 5th, 7th, or 9th shot drives

How you win most games

You win most by outsmarting your opponents, even if they are more technically skilled than you. Also, when your partner listens to your advice.

How you lose most games

Because your partner won't listen to you.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • The Hero
  • Mr/Ms Dependable
  • The Creator

Pros you should watch

  • Collin Johns
  • Lucy Kovalova
  • Jessie Irvine
  • Federico Staksrud

The Aggressor

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
Be the Aggressor, B-E Aggressor.

You would never call yourself a negative person; you just don't like dealing with BS. So, you struggle to keep cool when you're stuck with a partner who can't hit a simple drive and drop, or your opponents ride a wave of lucky net cords and fluke shots.

You won't hesitate to tell a newbie they should play down a level.

Simple Ways to Protect Your Partner Without Poaching
Find yourself frequently paired up with a lesser-talented player in rec play? We have some advice to help your partner without taking over the entire court.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • You come from a sports background that translates well on the pickleball court
  • You're physically fit thanks to a lifetime of competing
  • Your no-nonsense approach means you don't take a lot of risks


  • Sometimes, your annoyance gets the best of you, and it shows in your play
  • You get upset when things aren't happening the way they "should"
  • If your partner is too far below your skill level, you just want the game to end

Your favorite shot(s)

  • Drives, overhead slams, and clean winners

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • Lucky ones

How you win most games

Thanks to your ultra-competitiveness, you rarely lose. Often, you overwhelm your opponents with aggression, which works really well at all levels.

How you lose most games

You don't adapt your game well enough to overcome highly-skilled opponents. You simply try to outwork them, which doesn't always end up in victory.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • The Banger
  • The Hero
  • Mr/Ms Dependable
  • Other Aggressors

Pros you should watch

  • Christian Alshon
  • Thomas Wilson
  • Gabriel Tardio
  • Anna Bright

The Magician

Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
The Magician makes pickleball look cool.

Somehow, you get to every ball and come up with some of the most amazing shots anyone has seen. ATPs are too easy for you. Tracking down that lob to hit a between-the-legs tweener? No sweat.

However, you can miss easy ones because you play too many low-percentage shots. Win or lose, you're always fun to watch.

Why Giving Up the Occasional ATP To Your Opponent Isn’t a Bad Thing
Around the post shots get all the attention, but they are still only worth one point. So why are pickleballers so hesitant to give one up? We’re here to convince you that giving up the occasional ATP is not a bad thing.
Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?


  • Super athletic
  • You're a dream partner when you're on your game
  • You can track down any ball


  • When your game is off, it's costly
  • Opponents can lull you into taking risks you shouldn't take

Your favorite shot(s)

  • Tweeners, down-the-line winners, off-the-bounce speedups

Your least favorite shot(s)

  • Middle dinks and resets (because you can't do anything fun with them)

How you win most games

Your brilliance (when on) is hard to beat.

How you lose most games

Your brilliance (when off) is easy to beat.

Your ideal partner(s)

  • Mr/Ms Dependable
  • The Hero
  • The Creator
  • The Banger
  • The Joker

Pros you should watch

  • Allyce Jones
  • Jaume Martinez Vich
  • Vivienne David
  • Riley Newman

There you have it! The list of pickleball players you're most likely to run into on the courts.

Not that you know what's out there, which one are you?

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Which One of These Eight Pickleball Player Types Are You?
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